I was a girl who was learning- that's my excuse! I can't remember what, when or who knocked sense into me and I began my journey to grow these babies out. It was a long, long wait but so worth it! Eyebrows frame the face in such an obvious way that when eyebrow shapes are changed, the whole face changes.
T O P T I P S on growing your brows!
1: Throw away (or put away) your tweezers, brow wax strips, thread- which ever you use. You will need to stop plucking and waxing- hairy brows are the way to go now (as seen on the runway)
2: Use brow growth serums. There are many available in the market right now:
Natural castor oil can also be used as a cheaper alternative, remember to be consistent
3: Exfoliate the brow area with a soft toothbrush at least 3 times a week
4: Use a brow pencil or powder on a light hand, to fill in sparse areas as you wait
5: If they fail to grow, you can tint your brows professionally (permanent or semi-permanent)