GOSH Giant Sun Powder in Metallic Gold | £13.99 (click here)
"Use GOSH's giant sun powder over the entire face or just give the cheeks a lovely, sun-kissed tinge. Accentuate those places where the sun would normally give a beautiful summer glow."
Browsing through the makeup isles in Superdrugs one evening (where I always find myself on my way home) this massive compact caught my eye so quick I obviously had to purchase.
This highlighter gives the most richest golden glow which the light catches so beautifully. It doesn't look as good in the packaging than it does when swatched but it looks even more better when it's glowing on the skin. I'd definitely say, it darker you are in your complexion the more subtle it looks.
It's supposed to be a powder/bronzer but for me, it's way too shimmery to be used on its own as a bronzer. I have used it on its own as a highlighter in the usual places, tops of cheekbones, down the middle of my nose, cupids bow and brow bone which I apply using a fan brush.
I mentioned this highlighter in my recent drugstore beauty haul (click here). As I mentioned there, it is HUGE and will definitely last me a lifetime. It is a tad on the pricey side for a drugstore highlighter, however I do think it's completely worth it.
even out of focus it gleams beautifully
Superdrugs (click here)